
Découvrez des conseils sur le foiling, des informations sur l’industrie et des revues de matériel pour les riders de tous niveaux.


FS and AFS advanced board construction


Comment sauter en wing foil ?

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
24 janvier 2025
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Comment piloter la voile en wing foil ?

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
24 janvier 2025
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Quelle voile pour quelle vitesse de vent en wing foil ?

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
24 janvier 2025
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Comment réparer sa voile de wingfoil ?

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
19 décembre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Comment pumper en wingfoil ?

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
19 décembre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Comment faire un jibe en wingfoil ?

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
12 décembre 2024


Quelle est la meilleure direction de vent en wing foil ?

Quelle est la meilleure direction de vent en wing foil ? Table des matières En wingfoil, comme dans tous les sports de voile nautiques, le...

12 décembre 2024


Configurateur foil

Pratique : Sup Foil Wing Foil Surf Foil Downwind Dockstart Wakefoil Windfoil Sous-Pratique Wing Foil : Freestyle Wave Race Freeride C’est quoi ces mots barbares...

26 novembre 2024


Quelles sont les priorités sur l’eau en wing foil ?

Quelles sont les priorités sur l’eau en wing foil ? Table des matières Le wingfoil, c’est LE sport de glisse accessible à tous ! Avec...

26 novembre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Foil en carbone ou foil en alu pour le wingfoil ?

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
26 novembre 2024


Compare 3 stabs

Outil 1 Sélectionne ton aile avant et 3 stabs pour les comparer Aile avant — Sélectionne une aile avant —Enduro 700Enduro 900Enduro 1100Enduro 1300 Ultra...

22 novembre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à Hendaye

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
22 novembre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à Hossegor

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
22 novembre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à Hyères

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
22 novembre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à Hawaii

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
22 novembre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Quand partir faire du wingfoil ?

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
18 novembre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil en hiver

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
15 novembre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à Gruissan

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
15 novembre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à Gran Canaria

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
15 novembre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Comment remonter au vent en wingfoil ?

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
13 novembre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil en Guadeloupe

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
8 novembre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Comment se lever en wing foil ?

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
31 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


A combien gonfler la wing ?

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
31 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Comment faire un waterstart en wing foil ?

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
31 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil en Grèce

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
29 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à Fuerteventura

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
29 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à Dubai

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
29 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à Dakhla

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
29 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à Arcachon

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
29 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à Annecy

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
29 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil au Portugal

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
29 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à l’île Maurice

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
29 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil en Thaïlande

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
29 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à Tenerife

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
29 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil au Sri Lanka

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
29 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à La Réunion

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
28 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à La Tranche-sur-mer

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
28 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à la Ciotat

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
28 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil au Lac Léman

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
28 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à Lacanau

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
28 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à La Rochelle

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
25 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à La Baule

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
25 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à Lanzarote

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
25 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à Zanzibar

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
25 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil à L’Espiguette ou La Grande Motte

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
25 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil en Espagne

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
25 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil en Égypte

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
25 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil en Martinique

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
25 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil en Suisse

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
25 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil en Sardaigne

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
25 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil en Normandie

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
24 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Les meilleurs spots et écoles de wingfoil en Bretagne

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
24 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Comment régler le mât du foil (en wingfoil) ?

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
22 octobre 2024



BLACKBIRD V3 Acheter Bienvenue dans l’univers fascinant des Blackbird, fusion parfaite entre passion et innovation audacieuse d’AFS Advanced.BLACKBIRD V3 For ultra high, downwind performance Conçue...

21 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Quelle voile choisir quand on est débutant en wingfoil ?

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
16 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


Comment évaluer du matériel wingfoil d’occasion ?

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
16 octobre 2024
Libérez votre potentiel avec les packs Enduro


Enduro Packs

Choisissez parmi les trois packs spécialisés de la gamme Enduro, chacun adapté à des conditions et des riders spécifiques. Que vous naviguiez dans des vents...
2 octobre 2024
FS and AFS advanced board construction


AFS et AFS advanced board construction

The manufacturing process is generally the same: a low-density foam (EPS) core is created and then wrapped in a rigid shell. This shell is often...
25 juillet 2024
AFS Enduro 1100


Enduro 700, 900, 1100, 1300

Enduro 700, 900, 1100, 1300 Acheter All terrain performance Découvrez la toute nouvelle gamme Enduro avec un aspect ratio de 11, qui parvient à réunir...

16 juillet 2024
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Ultra Acheter Morph with the elements, transcend yourself DW Performance By Laurent Borgna : Le Ultra a été conçu pour apporter un maximum de performance...

24 juin 2024
AFS Diamond V2


Diamond V2

Diamond V2 Acheter Parental Advisory, explicit performance Pour cette deuxième édition de notre emblématique DIAMOND, nous avons travaillé sur trois axes : les matériaux, le...

19 juin 2024
AFS Pack access


Pack access

Pack access Acheter Pack access C’est le pack ultra-accessible qui permet de faire ses premiers pas en toute confiance, puis de se perfectionner sur le...

7 avril 2024
AFS- Evo pack


Evo Pack

Evo Pack Acheter Performance. Scalability. Accessibility Evo complete foil Le pack wing complet pour ceux qui veulent passer au niveau supérieur, ou qui débutent et...

5 avril 2024
AFS Whitebird 5'8


Whitebird 5’8, 7’8 & 8’2

Whitebird 5’8, 7’8 & 8’2 ACHETER La gamme Whitebird s’étoffe avec l’arrivée de trois nouvelles tailles. Deux grandes tailles, une 7’8 et 8’2 offrant un...

2 avril 2024
AFS Pure700


Pure 700/900

Pure 700/900 ACHETER The best design to win Les foils AFS Pure sont conçus pour les riders exigeants qui sont à la recherche de hautes...

25 mars 2024
Blackbird AFS Downwind


Blackbird 6’2 / 6’4

Blackbird 6’2 / 6’4 ACHETER Precision Foiling Perfected. Experience Next-Level Performance High Aspect Board Un modèle de planche allongé qui offre une glisse inégalée avec...

11 mars 2024
AFS Foil complet Silk


Foil complet SILK

Foil complet SILK ACHETER Smooth as silk Une grande attention a été portée à la fluidité des transitions. La fluidité ultime, qu’il s’agisse des carves...

9 mars 2024
AFS Pure ha1100 + UHM85


PURE HA800 & HA1100

PURE HA800 & HA1100 ACHETER Les PURE HA800 et PURE HA1100, sont des foils extrêmement efficaces qui excellent dans les sources d’énergie faibles à modérées....

5 mars 2024
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Votre Foil fait du bruit? Cela en devient gênant? Il existe une solution !